Monday, June 9, 2008

It's McNuggets in French

I'm going to spend the next five weeks or so traveling, so I thought this would be a good excuse to start a new blog. And probably never post in it again, since I'm not bringing my laptop with me. Oh well.

Here's my itinerary:

Now - 1 hour from now: my house in Pennsylvania
the rest of today: go to the airport, fly to France
6/10 - 6/13: Andrei's estate in the south of France (!)
6/13 - 6/20: Barcelona, Madrid
6/20 - 6/23: Venice
6/23 - 6/25: back to Madrid, fly to Cairo
6/25 - 7/1: Cairo
7/2 - 7/8: Bangkok
7/9 - 7/15: Beijing
7/15: spend 16 hours on a plane from Beijing to Toronto and arrive 1 hour after I took off

(I hope I like July 15th because it's going to be the longest day of my life thus far.)

I'm super excited. But since I haven't gone anywhere yet, there's not much else to say about that.

Instead, I'd like to draw your attention to something incredible I discovered while visiting my grandmother in Naples, Florida. There is an entire CHAIN OF STORES called Mr. Showerdoor .


a. literally all they sell is "shower enclosures"
b. I'm on a first name basis with everyone else who has seen me naked, so why would it be different with my shower enclosure?
c. Except my doctor, I guess. Maybe they should call it Dr. Showerdoor.


Stephen said...

I hope mccroquettes are tasty!

chafe said...

In France it would be Monsieur Showerdoor.